Benjamin May

Benjamin May is one of the founding partners of ARAMIS. His professional practice covers regulatory work, intellectual property, information technology, e-commerce and data protection. His practice also includes commercial contracts and litigation. Benjamin has a particular focus in the field of life sciences and in the financial services sector.

He graduated from the University of Paris XI and the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP Europe). He previously worked for the law firms Gide, both in Budapest and Paris, and de Pardieu Brocas & Maffei in Paris. He speaks French and English. Benjamin teaches Information technology law at the Paris graduated school of management (ESCP-Europe) and is a frequent speaker in conferences in his areas of expertise. Professional memberships: INTA, EPLAW, ITECHLAW, APRAM, AIPPI and ADAN.

Benjamin May has been named one of France’s Best Lawyers 2024 in the Banking and Finance Law, Information Technology Law, Litigation, Outsourcing and Technology Law categories.


What the market says on us

“Benjamin May leads the IT and IP practice at the firm, and his practice encompasses contract litigation, as well as internet law and personal data matters..” reports Who’s Who Legal. It also declares that Benjamin “is is a top-tier patents lawyer with in-depth expertise when it comes to the life sciences sector”.

‘Benjamin May is excellent, available and responsive. He provides relevant and constructive advice.’ Legal 500

Benjamin May has the appreciable quality of being subtle in his advice and his approach and assessment of situations. He has an excellent understanding of European regulations and French legislation. He knows to respond to requests in a pragmatic way. He is simple, reliable, mentally quick and thus efficient. He’s a person of great value.‘ Legal 500

More information about Benjamin May on Who’s Who Legal web site here.



2006: Co-founder of Aramis

2001-2005: De Pardieu Brocas Maffei (Paris)

1998-2001: Gide Loyrette Nouel (Budapest and Paris)

Graduate of the Master of Law (corporate law and tax) of the University of Paris XI (1997)

Paris Graduate School of Management (ESCP Europe, 1996)


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